#sweaterweather is here and I could not be more thrilled! I have officially found the perfect classic coat to wear this winter! Being able to wear a sweater AND a coat during a Florida winter is like a super special treat! It’s supposed to only be 60 tomorrow (hallelujah! ?), so I will for sure be wearing my J.Crew Factory City Coat! I remember as a kid I would be so excited when it cooled down to like 50 or 60. The moment we felt the crispness in the air, I’d throw on my fuzzy jacket from Target or Gap kids section to go jump on the trampoline. Fun fact: growing up from the age of 0 to like 18, I always had a trampoline in my backyard. Then one year our last one finally bit the dust from a hurricane and trampoline was no more. For hours my sister, friends and I would jump, freezing our butts off and having so much fun.
As I got older, trampoline jumping and side walk chalk turned into playing manhunt with neighboorhood kids while wearing one of my Abercrombie or HCO jackets with a fuzzy hood. Those were the DAYS! It would be so cold you could see your breath in the moonlight. Super rare for us FL kids. ?
As I got older, my jacket preferences have changed but I still get that same excitement when it starts to cool down and I need to reach for a jacket. Does anyone remember Delias? That was THE cool place to go and shop and the Florida Mall. Last year, I finally got rid of a black peacoat from Delias I had in my closet for at least 10 years and traded it out for this J.Crew City Coat! The more I rack my brain, I cannot remember the last time I owned another coat besides that black one. It was truly time to let it go. If you have been a reader for any amount of time, you might notice, I rarely wear black. So it was really time to go!

Sunny Outfit Details
J.Crew Factory City Coat (on sale under $100!) / Old Navy Sweater / LOFT Skirt (similar) / Over the Knee Boots / J.Crew Bag
I am soooo happy that I invested in this classic camel colored coat to hopefully last me another 10 years! When I was searching for a new coat, I had four things on my wish list. A neutral timeless color, a classic shape/silhouette, works perfect for temps 40 and above, and was budget friendly (under $100-$150).
Hopefully if your reading this post, you are looking for a coat that works well in a warmer climate! Before I bought my coat, I looked online at all of my favorite stores, read reviews, looked for inspiration on how other bloggers styled specific coats and kept my budget in mind. Once I settled on this J.Crew Factory City Coat, I decided to wait around until last Black Friday to make my purchase. It was a risk since items sell out so fast during all the Thanksgiving sales. Turns out it was a risk worth taking, since I scored it for around $90!
Why Do I Love the J.Crew Factory New City Coat?
- Provided the perfect amount of warmth (I LOVE all of J.Crews coats and think it would be so fun to invest in a real real warm winter coat like the J.Crew Cocoon coat, but it’s just not necessary for me.) I can wear it during 40-60 degree weather which is perfect for me! You might be able to brave temps around 30 with lots of layering but not recommended.
- Comes in a timeless neutral color!!! Also available in red, green, grey, and black! If I had the need for more coats, I’d totally buy a fun colored red or pink one!
- Has a classic silhouette! I wanted something I could wear from work to dinner and casually on the weekends! Just last week I wore it ice skating at an indoor rink, watched like 20 mins of a hockey game and felt great it it!
- Is roomy but fitted! If that makes sense! There’s enough room in the sleeves for sweaters but it’s not overly bulky or unattractive.

Styling coats in the winter is always super fun because I can get away with wearing more fall type outfits like dresses and skirts. This LOFT suede skirt is like pure holiday magic. I love the feel of Christmas it gives but I also know I can wear it well into winter without feeling to holiday-y. Mini skirts always pair well with OTK boots! They also keep you warm like nothing else! I actually had a few requests for affordable sweater options (like the Old Navy sweater I am wearing), so be on the lookout for that post next week!
This is my last week teaching before we go on Christmas break and I am so excited During the next few days, I am finishing up grades, my kids are cooking Taco Bowls for exams and I’m also prepping the room to sit empty for almost 3 weeks! Then it’s time to recharge and relax! My older sister, nieces and nephew come into town on Saturday, and I am helping a friend shoot a video for Ron Jons that morning. Sunday we have plans to head to Orlando and go to Disney Springs!!! Excited to see it all decked out for Christmas. I have a feeling this week and next are going to fly by in the best way!
December 19, 2019 at 6:34 pmDid you get the coat in your normal size? I recently ordered the J.Crew Factory Village Coat and it was too small to wear a sweater under; I’m thinking of getting the New City coat instead but I’ve seen people say to size down & I’d like to be able to at least wear a sweater underneath.
Thanks so much & your style is so cute!
Sunshine Style
December 19, 2019 at 9:16 pmHi Ellie!!! Thanks you SO much, that’s so sweet! I did buy the coat in my normal size 4! Usually I wear a smaller size at J.Crew and sometimes J.Crew Factory but coat wise, I went with a 4 because I wanted to have enough room for exactly what you said, wearing sweaters!!! I could have bought a 2 but I know it would have been to snug to wear with anything but a tank top ha! The 4 fits great and still has a nice silhouette and is not bulky!
Sunny Style Finds No. 14 (Winter Sales!) - Sunshine Style
February 3, 2020 at 11:34 am[…] this coat and have worn it multiple times on the blog for some winter and holiday posts and even reviewed why I decided to invest in it! I bought it on mega sale in a size 4 during a Black Friday event last year! It’s even roomy […]