My Weekend: Donuts + Movie Date Night Morning Donuts @ Sugar Shack Donuts I normally don’t post a ton of photos from my weekends or what I really do throughout the… Continue Reading →
The Apple Orchard at Altapass During my trip to North Carolina in October, the #1 thing I wanted to do on my “North Carolina Must Do List” was go… Continue Reading →
There’s a Beach in the Mountains? Can you believe it? There’s an actual beach in the mountains. Our cabin overlooked the South Toe River and if you followed the secluded… Continue Reading →
Cabin in the North Carolina Mountains In mid October, my parents and I traveled to Burnsville, North Carolina and stayed in a cabin we rented through Airbnb called Big Dog… Continue Reading →
St. Pete Beach Fun In August I traveled to St. Pete with my friend Erin for a quick weekend trip. We long boarded in Downtown St. Pete on Saturday and… Continue Reading →
Longboarding in Downtown St. Pete During the month of August I traveled around Florida almost every weekend to visit friends. During one of my trips I went to St. Petersburg… Continue Reading →
Pieces of Summer: Part 2 A favorite breach for all the locals. It’s always filled with families and colorful umbrellas. One night in the beginning of summer my sister… Continue Reading →
St Pete Weekend Trip A few weeks ago my sister and I went to visit our newly married friends in St. Pete for the weekend. We… Continue Reading →
Peru Treasures At the beginning of May I traveled to Peru to visit my Compassion Child. I knew beforehand we would have time to shop the… Continue Reading →