As I was reading through my blog posts this week, I was really craving some posts that were more personal and authentic! It’s not unusual for me to scroll through my website to brainstorm or analyze what’s working and what’s not. I was feeling a bit uninspired with my own content. Of course, I am my own worse critic and no one has ever actually told me I need to be more exciting or personal in my posts but I have been feeling the need to share more than just fashion lately!
Personally, I love reading fashion blogs but I know I relate more to my favorite bloggers because of their personalities, daily storytelling and realness online and less with fashion. A good friend of mine, Caitlin inspired this post! She always has such though provoking and unique post ideas! Now, I’m not really sure how I will go about this. I truly try my best to be myself in my posts and share about my day to day life while mixing it with fashion. I have plenty to share, I just need to find the sweet spot of being open and honest and also making sure it aligns with my brand. By nature, I really am an open book and a very open/honest person!
My old blog name before I re-branded was called Katie’s Kronicles. It was more of a personal diary and it just didn’t reflect where I wanted to head. If you have any input for posts…I’d love to hear your ideas! Anyways, to get started, I thought it would be fun to tell you 20 random facts you may not know about me!

Outfit Details
Target Dress (on sale for $21!) / Soludos Wedges / Amazon Straw Bag / Target Neck Scarf
- I was a competitive cheerleader for Extreme Allstars for four years from junior high up until my junior year of high school. Bring It On had a huge influence on my life as a kid ha! I can still quote that entire movie to this day. So glad I pursued that dream of mine becauase it taught me so much about hard work, never giving up and teamwork!
- Before my freshman year of high school, I tried out for my high school cheerleading team and didn’t make it. I cried for days because all my friends made it and I didn’t. I was devastated for sure and never really pictured my high school experience without being a cheerleader. Looking back, I am SO happy I didn’t cheer for my HS all 4 years and did competitive cheer instead. I did try out again my senior year and made varsity and got the cheer experience I wanted!
- My favorite type of dog are pugs and frenchies. Growing up, my family had a pug named Muffin and we loved him so much. He had the best quirky personality and everyone LOVED him! He also had an Instagram and at one point he had 1,000 followers. His Insta grew way faster than mine ever did!
- When I was in third grade, a bowling ball fell on my index finger and broke my bone. You can still see where it fell because my nail is so flat! Bowling has never been the same since.
- I have an older sister who is 42 and a younger sister that’s 27. My younger sister and I are only 22 months apart. I also have two nieces who are 19 and 17 and a nephew who is 15!
- As a kid, I was totally shy, super introverted and hated any sort of attention on myself. I could barely interact with adults. Now you’d hardly recognize I was the same person! I’m outgoing, bubbly, can hold a conversation with just about anyone and love people.
- During high school, I took all honors classes but struggled so bad in math and science barely making it out with C’s. English and History were always my strongest core subjects!
- I didn’t get my license until I was 18 because I was scared to drive.
- I’ve had the same best friend for over 15 years. We met at church when I was 12 and she was 11. We’ve been weirdos together ever since!
- Since a little kid, I have always wanted to work in fashion and own my own clothing company.
- When I took the Enneagram test, I came out a solid 3 but tested only a few points away from a 4! So I guess that would be called a 3 wing 4?! Never truly under stood that wing thing. It was a little hard to accept I was a 3 until everyone told me that I was totally the achiever. Blinded by my own pursuit of success?! Personally, I always thought I fit more as a 4 since I just want to create all of the time!
- When I was 18, I completely started to change my terrible eating habits of bagel bites, Taco Bell, Burger King, donuts, chocolate milk and sugary cereals . Now I eat GF, 90% whole foods like greens, meats, veggies, grains and nuts and 10% chocolate and ice cream ha! I am all about moderation.
- Within the last 2 years, I have really started to get more into reading fiction again. I loved reading as a kid and somehow lost that passion as an adult. I love reading business and self-help books but there’s just something about diving into an imaginary world that fires up your brain! Mysteries are my current fav!
- My favorite movies are Mean Girls, White Chicks and Hot Chick. Guess you could say I love chick flicks and girly movies! My least favorite movies to watch are Disney, even though I loved them as a kid!
- I am an adrenaline junkie and love exploring the outdoors and traveling. In 2018 when I went to Hawaii, something sparked my desire to travel and adventure like never before. Barely a day goes by where I am not daydreaming about traveling to a tropical place.
- I’ve been to Canada, Peru and Guatemala and hope to travel even more around the U.S. and internationally. New Zealand, the Galapagos Islands and Australia are currently at the top of my bucket list!
- During the summer of 2018, I rented a place from someone I follow on Instagram (she’s sort of Insta famous!) and spent 30 days on Oahu exploring, eating acai bowls and beaching it! Never in my entire life would I have thought I’d be able to live my dream for an entire month or rent from a complete stranger!
- When I was 13, I broke my arm doing a back handspring and snapped both of the bones all because my coach told me I looked like a frog. My arm looked like a S shape with 2 elbows and I experienced no pain! Insane for sure! Fortunately, it didn’t break the skin and I never needed any pins! It was also the only time in my life I got to ride in an ambulance! My arm was so wack, they didn’t know how to transport me.
- God will speak to me through dreams when I am sleeping! Sometimes my mind cannot get quiet enough during the day and I know that I can ask a question and sometimes will get wisdom or insight through a dream when my thoughts are at rest!
- I only drink water but love chai and green tea!
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