Years ago, before the hype of natural deodorant was a thing, I made the switch to a non-toxic deodorant. The deodorant was a paste that I had to rub on with my finger! Then I got sick of wiping my deodorant on ?. So I decided to research other brands that came in an applicator and found the amazing brand, Primally Pure which I have used exclusively the past few years!

The Story Behind Why I Switched to a Natural Deodorant
There was a time in my life when I could care less what I ate or what I used on my body. Way back in high school…more than 10 years ago, my friend from my cheer squad mentioned that she was reading a book called, Skinny Bit*c and how it talked about the dangerous affects of man made sugars like aspartame found in sodas. I remember the conversation clear as day. We were at Applebees before a Varsity Football game and having dinner as a squad. It was just about the time I was getting into eating healthy, working out at a gym for the first time and understanding what creating a healthy lifestyle all really meant.
I didn’t understand at the time why she choose not to drink a diet coke but I ran home, ordered that book and it changed everything. From that point on I read up on healthy eating and living everywhere I could. Learning to read product and food labels was a game changer. I started to ask myself, “what exactly am I putting into my body and on my skin?” I didn’t just research though, I started to make subtle changes and over the years, it’s become a lifestyle. I wanted to start putting ingredients into my body that I could pronounce and were real.
I am not perfect but I now eat really clean (lots of fruits, veggies, meats and limited sugar/carbs) with the occasional ice cream treat weekly. It’s a drastic change from what I would eat when I was younger which was pizza bites, lots of fast food (hay Burger King and Taco Bell), soda galore, Little Debby Snacks, cookies, cake and gallons of chocolate milk. My fam used to say that I would get diabetes by the way I ate.
What I put in my body like yummy greens and fruits make me feel so much better and I rarely get tired or dragged down in the middle of the day. As a kid and tween, I was tired 24/7, suffered from terrible migraines monthly and was constantly so sick. Now duh, I’m still human and want to nap sometimes in the afternoon but from how I felt as a teen to how I feel as an adult, it’s night and day. I know it’s from the lifestyle choices I made in what I eat and how I treat my body.
Then I wanted to treat my skin the same way, so I started to read about ingredients in natural beauty products like lotion and deodorant. During that time, my best friend started to mention how her co-worker used this natural deodorant brand. I was so intriged, we both tried out differen’t scented natural deodorants that we rubbed on with our fingers. I’ve mentioned before that I have very sensitive skin, so I made sure to have my BFF check out the deodorant first. Such a nice friend!
My first natural deodorant was a paste. I had to use my finger to wipe it on. It worked amazing and I was instantly hooked. The ingredients were all easy to read like baking soda and coconut oil and were very natural. What I didn’t love about that natural deodorant was the fact that I had to rub it on with my finger. I always felt like it added extra time onto my getting ready morning routing. And I couldn’t have that, so I started researching for a brand that came in a bottle with a stick like applicator. Primally Pure was a top choice on the internet so I tried it! A few years later and I still use it!

I almost can’t take this photo seriously! I only added it because I thought it was just sooo funny. I’ve seen other bloggers lifting up their arms in their natural deodorant post and it just makes me LOL because it’s slightly awkward but makes sense since the bottle is so small, it helps you understand what the product does. So here’s me being non-serious and showing you how to apply deodorant.

How I Use the Deodorant + What I Love About It
To apply it, I gently dab or tap the natural deodorant all around my armpit and make sure I apply it evenly on my skin. Sometimes I will hold it on my skin for 5-10 seconds to heat it up before I dab it. It doesn’t exactly “rub” on like drugstore deodorant. A main ingredient is coconut oil and coconut heats up once it hits a specific degree. So once the deodorant touches the warm skin, it will gently melt (like so slightly you will never notice) and transfer onto the skin.
I love it because it travels super easy. I have the 2.5 oz Tea Tree kind! It lasts me for a few months but also comes in a smaller size if you want to test it out! There’s tons of scents like lavender, geranium, unscented and lemongrass.
Naturally, I am not one to sweat much on average but I still need something. This stuff is truly amazing. I honestly feel like I rarely sweat. Even less than before. It takes a few months to detoxify from a drugstore deodorant (in my opinion) and to really feel like it’s doing it’s job. That means you will sweat a bit more while you make the switch from drugstore to a natural brand but it’s totally normal.
There are some days where I will forget to wear deodorant. Which is rare for all of you who are grossed out ha! When I do forget, sometimes I will come home and still feel fresh, even with nothing on. I totally attribute this to my natural deodorant.
Working out hard will be the one time where the deodorant just can’t be outsmarted. When you sweat hard, you sweat hard. No deodorant in the world can stop that. I’ve used mine hiking in Hawaii, I work out religiously 3-4 times a week and am active in a school classroom daily. My Primally Pure deodorant has never failed me yet!
Kristen Woolsey
March 21, 2019 at 8:58 amI am so happy to hear your recommendation! I’ve got through a few brands hoping to find the right one. Florida heat is no joke!
I was nodding along as you spoke about filling your body with good things. Why would we go through all the trouble of eating well if we were still rubbing chemicals on our bodies!
Hannah Bettis
March 21, 2019 at 10:01 amWhere is your dress from? It’s SO cute!
Sunshine Style
March 21, 2019 at 12:01 pmThanks so much Hannah!!! It’s from LOFT last season for one of their special lines! So sorry it’s not available anymore!
March 24, 2019 at 8:41 pmLOL I love that you’re so honest about the “behind the scenes”of blogger photos.
Sunshine Style
March 31, 2019 at 10:32 pmthanks so much Susan!!! Can’t be anything buy myself!