Hey friends. Guess what…I’m dog sitting again and typing this from their kitchen counter while I take a work break! The doggies made an appearance on stories! It was definitely an eventful week. The internet went down the day before I released the Coastal Collection. We got a new internet plan they day before so I called my dad in a panic because I thought it was failing.
My Sunny List No. 8
With Instagram and Facebook down, I was so productive. I got a bunch of photos edited, made banana bread and prepped for the launch of new Sunshine Style Co. products hoping social media would be up and running. Thank goodness for TikTok, I watched my hour of funny entertainment to end the night.
The shutdown really got me thinking…what would happen if social media went down for weeks?! It kind of freaked me out with the “what if’s”. Part of my full-time job is manufacturing the Island Jay IG and FB. I know so many small and big businesses that rely on Facebook ads and some brands get all of their business just from Instagram. I think it’s so smart no matter what business you run to not put all of your eggs in one basket like Instagram!

Nap Dress / Sunshine Style Co. Headband
ONE / Tuckernuck
Tuckernuck has the prettiest new green releases! I LOVE this olive green dress for fall! I think this is my sign to buy some green colored pieces because I don’t own any and I am a red head.
TWO / The Coastal Collection
The best part of the week was sewing and packing orders from new collection I released, The Coastal Collection! filled with lobster, anchor, blue and white floral and solid navy prints! Each piece is handmade by me on my dining room table! Thank goodness Instagram was back in action!
THREE / Draper James
I ordered this Draper James gingham dress and it came in the mail this week! I was so impressed with the quality. Try on coming next week! When I was researching their brand, I stumbled upon this article on how they use strategic partnerships to grow their lifestyle brand and thought it was super interesting.
FOUR / 31 Days of Outfit Challenge
TikTok has a 31 Days of Outfit Challenge. I decided to join on October 2 and have had so much fun with sharing my everyday outfits. None of them are going viral but if anything, it gets me in the habit of being consistent and posting a video everyday! I have a huge fear of being on video, so it’s a major way to step out of my comfort zone everyday too!
FIVE / Christmas Shopping
Did you start your Christmas shipping yet? I started 2 weeks ago and feel so excited to be ahead of the game. Shopping early helps me so much with not stressing about money! It’s the main reason why I do it.
Lots of Sunshine,
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