Quarantine or no quarantine, I am the queen of keeping myself entertained, weather it’s out in public or at home. Boredom is not in my vocabulary. Every week, I have been making a list of fun projects to do besides work, like craft, practice baking a gluten free cake for my Birthday and print cute coloring sheets to do while sitting outside. I love life and I love to have fun no matter what. Right now, you could say I’m living my best life.
I could give you productivity tips, work from home outfits or spring cleaning tips (which I actually plan on doing) but wanted to start Monday off with something more fun and happy for you to do! We all need a little break now and then from the day to day to rest, dream and just relax. I know not everyone has had the easiest time so far and I hope these ideas add a little bit more fun to your day. So far, I wake up, work, do one of the fun things on my list then workout. It’s been amazing!
I’m legit so excited to start the week and do some of these! My Birthday is on Thursday and I plan on baking a bunch for it and making decorations to decorate my porch just because I can! Birthday crafts aren’t on the list but if you have a Birthday during Covid-19, you can add it in!
Use the graphic I made above to share on your Insta stores and tell us what 5 fun things you plan on doing this week!
1. Color with Free Printable Coloring Sheets!
So, as soon as I knew I’d be “safe inside” for a while, I literally started Googling coloring sheets to print. One day I was feeling particularly overwhelmed for no reason (probably to much Insta scrolling). I printed one of my sheets, grabbed my favorite colored pencils and sat outside on the porch to start my first coloring sheet because I knew it would be soothing. If you need a mindless, redudant activity, this is it. I think my family and I sat outside from 6PM until the sun set and I couldn’t see my paper anymore. It’s one of my favorite memories so far since quarantine!
Here’s my favorite FREE printables so far!
Declaration and Co. Coloring Sheets (Florida inspired)
Island Haus and Co Coloring Sheets (Charleston inspired)
2. Make DIY Easter Eggs (without real eggs)
This one will be coming live to my Insta stores this week! Don’t worry, I will make a highlight! I love crafting and this one is perfect for Easter coming up. Now is the time to really be resourceful. Since it would be really wasteful to dye Easter eggs right now, I bought egg shaped cookie cutters to make my own eggs out of salt dough. When you bake it, the dough hardens and you can paint them!
The recipe made about 30 eggs. I plan on painting them this week and putting some in my neighbors mailbox with a happy and Easter-y note on them! I will use the rest as Easter decorations and probably put some in a small basket.
How to Make:
2 cups flour
1 cut salt
1 cup warm water
Bake at 250 for 1 hour, flip and bake for 1 hour
3. Make a Card on Your Phone and Send it To Your Friends!
The app is called Ink Cards. You can create cards from your iPhone or iPad and have them mailed to a friend at home. Another is CardSnacks and they even have silly cards for social distancing that say things like “we will get through this” and friends waving at each other from across the street ha!
I thought this idea was so fun and saw someone mention it in a blog comment! With everyone at home, sending a card is the perfect way to let a friend or family member know you care and are thinking of them! The other day I felt like God kept reminding me to check on two of my friends. When I finally did, I realized they were both quarantined at home alone and actually felt so bad I didn’t listen to my intuition and connect with them sooner. I know if I sent them an e-card to got one mailed to their house, it would make their day!
4. Have An Adult Scavenger Hunt
Hide 10-15 random household items around the house and have your family go and search for them. It’s like hide and seek for adults. Sounds so cheesy but I know if I ended up doing this I would have so much fun and it would probably end up being harder than it sounds.
You could do an Easter Egg hunt too!! Actually, now that I am typing this, I will probably do that haha!
5. Design Your Dream House or Life!
Okay, so this one is supposed to be totally fun and unrealistic! I have a bunch of Coastal Living and Serena and Lilly magazines just laying around the house. The other day I got the grand idea to cut out things I like in them or inspire me and create a “dream house” collage.
My dream house has lots of coastal vibes and is full of color. If you don’t have leftover magazines, you can always print off photos and make an inspiration board. It’s the old school Pinterest way. #throwbackthursday If I get inspired enough, I might just make a 3D model of the front of my dream house. Because WHY NOT!
Lots of Sunshine,
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Budget Friendly Classic Blue Summer Swimsuits - Sunshine Style | Florida Fashion and Lifestyle Blog
April 9, 2020 at 6:16 am[…] to blur together. I’ve been keeping myself occupied with working, blogging here and there and keeping myself entertained but it’s been hard to find motivation the last few days. THANK THE LORD my workouts are now […]