On the front porch of my first #summerpineapplesearch Instagram picture.
I love pineapples so much, I dressed up for one Halloween 2013 and 2014. I even convinced my sister to dress up as grapes and found Ella a strawberry costume on sale! We were either “fruit of the loom” or “fruit of the spirit”. You can use your imagination to answer that question! Hint: We kept our pants on the whole night.
Same cutout pineapples from the first picture.
The pineapple glasses I bought for my trip to Peru with Compassion! You can buy the glasses here. Their called Pino (pronounced Peeeeen-Yoh) in Spanish!
A local Bed and Breakfast called “The Old Pineapple Inn”.
One day after working out, a friend and I stopped at a local plant nursery. While we were trying out all of the pretty handmade wooden furniture (cause you know, that’s exactly what everyone does after a workout) my friend looked up and noticed there were so many chimes hanging from the roof with hand painted pineapples. I thought I was having a good time being lazy but then I saw the pineapples and I am pretty sure it just made the day 100x’s better. (Kelly, I still had much more fun lounging on the furniture with you for an hour than taking this picture 😉 ). This was also the last picture I took for this post in October.
Freshly Picked moccasins I bought Ella for her first birthday. Yes, I just went for it and dove head first into my pineapple obsession, lol!
Ella also wore a pineapple romper to her first trip to the pumpkin patch. Pineapples and Pumpkins is where it’s at! Pumpkin seeds are also delicious to.
A house located on Pineapple Ave. My friend and her boyfriend actually told me about this one!
This picture is in case no one believes I really went on the #summerpineapplehunt! There were just soooooo many. Most people in the #321 should recognize this wall painting right away! It’s on the wall of a super popular local restaurant.
Driving home from the beach one day and what do you know, more pineapples!
I even made my favorite raw dessert into a Pineapple. (Similar recipe)
Sorta had to almost, kinda trespass to get this shot but that makes it all the more fun, right? Hopefully the people who live at this house don’t read my blog… ahhaha.
OK, get this, there is even an apartment building called Pineapple House located on Pineapple Avenue. Now that would be a cool address to have!
(My first #summerpineapplehunt Instagram Picture!)
In the beginning of the summer, I traveled to Peru to visit my Compassion Child and I had bought these cute Pineapple Glasses (pictured above) from the Dollar Store to give to some of the kids we would be visiting. I didn’t know it then, but they are what sparked me to write this post. I guess you can say, I became obsessed with pineapples during the Summer of 2014.
It all started with this abandon building on one of our main roads in town that leads to the beach. I would pass it all the time and just really wanted to take a picture of the pretty pineapple cutouts on the white picket fence. If you live in the #321, you can probably pinpoint the building in an instant and its now occupied by an insurance company. In June, I finally stopped, pulled off the side of the road and took a picture and posted it on Instagram. At first, it was just that one picture but then I started seeing them all over, so I kind of just went with it and started the hashtag #summerpineapplehunt. Hey, I live in Florida, they are practically on every corner. No, literally. They are everywhere! We even have a street called Pineapple Avenue. No one seemed to respond much at first to my hunt, but eventually people started really getting into it. My friends would see me in public (you know, the place that exists outside of this internet space) and be like, “OMG, I love all your pineapple pictures that you post, I would get Snapchats and texts of people sending me pictures of pineapples, and friends would call me and say, “Hey, I found a new house with Pineapples on it today, its located by such and such!”. They were super excited and I am all about cheesy and fun, so it didn’t take long for me to get into it!
Finding them became easy, and if I drove by someplace where I spotted a pineapple, I would just pull over and snap a picture. One time when my sister was sick with a 102 fever, she needed to get out of the house, so I took her along on one of my #summerpineapplehunts. I had a ton of fun with this and made a 6 month adventure out of it. I started in May and took the last picture for this post in October. In case there were some skeptics, I made sure to take some pictures with some of the pineapples around town. All of these pictures were taken within 5-10 miles from my house. Im tellin yah, there were just way to many to count. And although I am done with posting pineapple pictures (for now, we will see what Summer 2015 holds! ) I still discover new ones all of the time!
November 21, 2014 at 5:09 amHi Katie. Landed on this page after seeing you mention you fashioned a pineapple dessert after one of the recipes on my blog. I must say, I totally got suckered into reading all about your pineapple hunt! 🙂 I can really relate to things like that — sometimes once you start seeing something you suddenly start spotting it everywhere! Anyways, thanks for the nod to my recipe. I’m curious — did you use fresh or dried pineapple? 🙂 I’m intrigued!
November 21, 2014 at 5:39 pmThanks Audrey! It’s so true, pineapples have been super trendy, but once you notice one, you notice a million more! I used fresh pineapple! I’ll admit the fresh pineapple tends to get mushy rather quickly (more than strawberries and blueberries) but my family and I normally eat this dessert so fast, it really doesn’t have a chance to go bad. Dried fruit would be fun though! It could allow you to make more intricate designs! I’m dying to make a wave, or maybe a Christmas theme! The possibilities are endless. =) I didn’t realize it at first, but your recipe from your site is the exact one I used to make the pineapple dessert! I also have the “Live on Live Food” book and I love it so much. It has so many helpful tips and I got it for only like $7! A friend introduced it to me and I went home right away and ordered it from Amazon.
November 23, 2014 at 4:58 am$7 — that’s a steal! It really is a great book, and a great recipe too 🙂